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Welcome to the Bowling Team Page! If you have found yourself on this page it means that you are either on the team or interested in the team. Please read the sections below for more information!
Game Schedule

Game Schedule

October 13 (Monday)
October 20 (Monday)
October 27 (Monday)
November 3 (Monday)
November 10 (Monday)
November 17 (Monday)
December 1 (Monday)
December 8 (Monday)



  • Rocklin Bowling Alley
  • 2325 Sierra Meadows Dr, Rocklin
  • 3:30-5:30
  • You must arrive at the bowling alley between 3:15 and 3:30.
First Match
  • Be sure to meet at the bowling alley no later than 3:00pm for the first match. 
  • Failure to attend this match and to notify me of your lack of attendance will be counted as an absence. See below for absence guidelines.
  • $4.00 each week (paid to Ms. Goodnough at school on the day of the match).

  • Transportation is on your own. It is a “meet you there” policy.
  • For students that cannot find transportation to the Bowling Alley, please see me to make   arrangements.
Permission Slip
  • Each bowler must have a permission slip on file in order to bowl. Parent signature is required regardless of age.

  • You must arrive at the bowling alley between 3:15 and 3:30. 
  • If you arrive after 3:30, you will sit out the first game of the match that day. 
  • The second time you arrive after 3:30, you will sit out all three games of the day. 
  • The third time you arrive after 3:30, you will be removed from the team.

6th Period
  • You may leave 6th period early (3:10) only if you have an A, B, or C in the class. You may not leave early if you have a D or F. 
  • I will know the students who will be showing up late due to grades. Those tardies will be excused. You will simply miss the first game, but will be able to bowl the final two games of the match.
  • If you are going to miss a week, you must let me know before 3:00 on the day of the match. 
  • You will get one warning. The second time you are a no show without informing me ahead of time, you will be removed from the team
Grade Checks
  • Members of the team must maintain a 70% attendance rate and be passing more than half of their classes.
  • Grade checks will go out every week. If you are failing more than half of your classes at either progress report or quarter, you will be dropped from the team.

  • Pay attention to the other bowlers around you. If a bowler from the other team is preparing to bowl, wait for them to take their approach and bowl. Do not just walk up, ignore them and bowl your ball. Be respectful.
  • The same rules apply as at school in regards to behavior. I will maintain the option of removing a bowler from the team if they fail to exercise good judgment.
PE and Elective Credit
  • P.E. Credit or elective credit is available for students who need it. For every three days of bowling you will receive .5 credits. 

  • All active members of the bowling team will need to have a shirt. Shirts are $12 and must be paid to Ms. Goodnough before our first match. For those, unable to purchase a shirt, one will be supplied to you on loan for the season and must be returned by the end of the year. Wear this shirt each day we are bowling. It garners support for our school. The shirts were designed by members of the 2012-2013 team. 
