Victory High School
Mission Statement
Students are supported while learning core knowledge, skills and self-advocacy to be successful in an ever-changing global-based society. We engage students in their own learning by celebrating their successes and helping them to envision and create their own futures.
Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs)
- Competent: Achieve academic competence by meeting state content standards in all subjects, by completing all required courses, and by passing the CAHSEE.
- Communicators: Become communications who convey significant messages verbally, in writing, and through use of appropriate technology in academic and non-academic settings.
- Citizens: Become citizens who willingly volunteer, respect other cultures, and are responsible members of society as evidenced by good attendance and behavior in a safe and supportive environment.
- Career-Seekers: Become career seekers who demonstrate interpersonal skills through graduation portfolio requirements.
Classroom Environment
Student Supplies
These bins will be where your work is returned to you. Consider this your mailbox for the school year. I will return all of your graded class work to you by placing it in your folder so that class time can be utilized for teaching rather than for passing out papers. Each day as you come into class, you can check your folders for your graded assignments. Once they are returned to your bin with a grade, they are yours. It is up to you if you would like to take the assignments home, throw them away, or keep them.
The Lounge
This room will be used in multiple ways. First and foremost, it will be used as a conference room. We will use this for Study Hall, testing, studying, group work, etc. The metal shelving in the room will be where we keep any unfinished student work. Every once in a while, if you are allotted free time, this room is available for you to hang out, read a book, play some games, etc. It’s a space for you to relax and read. These are my personal books that I have paid for and brought in for you to use. Please return all books to the shelf and keep them in the condition you found them. The door to this room is to remain open at all times and the lights must be on while in the room is in use, unless otherwise stated by me.
Other Policies
Your cell phone is to remain off and put away for the entire time you are in my class, including during passing periods (unless otherwise directly stated by me). Similarly, any iPods or music players and headphones are to be put away as well. When you are in my class your attention must be focused on the subject matter and assignment at hand. If I see a cell phone or iPod, I will take it, even if you aren’t using it. If I see it, it’s mine. The first time this occurs, I will give it back to you at the end of class. The second time this occurs and each time thereafter, I will give the phone to the front office to do with as they see fit.
If you need to use the restroom you must take the blue bathroom pass. If you are headed to the office, you must take the green office pass. You don’t have to ask me to leave the classroom for either of these two things. Only one person can be out at a time.
No food is allowed in my classroom, however drinks are definitely welcome (coffee, soda, water, etc.). Simply be respectful of the classroom and if you spill, clean it up right away.
Grading Policies
Grading Scale
Every single assignment you do in this class will be graded. Your overall grade will be scored using the standard grading scale: A (90-100) ~ B (80-89) ~ C (70-79) ~ D (60-69) ~ F (59 and below)
Absent Policy/Make-up Work
If you are absent you are not required to make up the work you miss. Those assignments will not count against your grade. However, you are responsible for ALL quizzes and tests. If you are absent for 5 out of the 7 days we learned the information, you are still responsible to take the test on test day. This means that even though you are not required to make up any of the work you missed, it will be very beneficial for you to work with another student in the class to figure out what material you missed. You may also come see me, before or after class, during support class or during my prep (6th period) to find out what you missed so you will be prepared for the test or quiz. If you are absent on a test day (usually Fridays), you must see me on your first day back and take the test. Failure to do so will result in your grade being entered as a 0 in the grade book.
For each day of class that you participate and complete assignments, you will receive 1/12 of a credit. This means that 12 class days of solid work, completed with a passing grade, and engagement on your part will result in 1 Language Arts Credit. Every three days of productive time on task will result in 0.25 credits. Every three tardies counts as an absence, so tardies also affect your credits in this class. I will keep up on your credits and grades weekly.
Support Class
Every Thursday we will have a support class built into the schedule. This will be a 30 minute block of time that is allotted simply to support you in any way necessary to get you to graduate. This time will be used for PACs, PAC Assessments, Grad Portfolio, Reviewing Grad Plans, Make up assignments, Academic Intervention, Reading/Writing assessments, Principal presentations, College and Career Visitations to campus, Field Trips, Work Experience, Girls Circle, FAFSA, CAHSEE prep, ELD, etc.
Study Hall
If you are assigned my class as a study hall period, or if you have completed all the necessary credits for my class and are waiting to be transferred to a different class, then these procedures apply to you. During study hall you are responsible to be self-motivated, completing whichever PACs, online courses or Grad Portfolio assignments you need to reach your credits at Victory High School. My subject class will always come before my study hall class. This means that if you have a question, you are to wait until I am available to answer it. Please refrain from interrupting me while I am teaching in order to ask a question. I will come to you as soon as my subject class is set and working on an assignment. You are to work quietly and individually. If you are in Study Hall, you must work in the lounge or at one of the computers in the room. Refer to the lounge policies stated above. Study Hall is not a time to relax, play games, text, or otherwise partake in activities that will not support you graduating or earn you credit. It is individually motivated, but is not free time. If I notice that you are not treating study hall as it should be treated, then you will be sent to the office for further discipline.