Course Overview
Course Overview
Welcome to Ms. Goodnough's Language Arts III/IV class this year!
We will be working out of the District Adopted Curriculum for Language Arts titled The Language of Literature by McDougal Littell.
Throughout the course, we will work our way chronologically through a literary history of America by covering the following American Literary Periods:
- Colonial/Puritan (1650-1750)
- Revolutionary/Enlightenment (1750-1800)
- Romanticism/Transcendentalism (1800-1855)
- Gothic/Individualism (1800-1855)
- Realism (1855-1900)
- Modernism (1900-1950)
- Harlem Renaissance (1900-1950)
- Post-Modernism (1950-1970)
Cornell Notes
Cornell Notes
We will be utilizing the Cornell Note system in my Language Arts Classes. Students must be familiar with this system. Please review Cornell Notes and familiarize yourself with this note-taking method by clicking on the link below.