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WOrk permits - Summer 2024
WOrk permits - Summer 2024
Work permits will be processed at the Rocklin Unified School District Office (2615 Sierra Meadows Drive, Rocklin)
Download and complete the work permit application. Make sure all fields are complete, including the employer information and signature. Per state law, all signatures must be original, ink signatures. Electronic signatures are not acceptable.
Complete the Google Form request with the required information to expedite the process. Please note: An email will be sent when it is ready to be picked up.
Please bring the original signed work permit application to the Rocklin Unified District Office at 2615 Sierra Meadows Drive, Rocklin. NOTE: The student applicant must be present to sign the permit and must submit the original work permit application.
Provide the signed work permit to your employer.
Contact Jodi Konsesky at 916-630-3318 or jkonsesky@rocklinusd.org if you have any questions.
Graduation Requirements & Grad Plan
Graduation Requirements & Grad Plan
Every student is issued an individual grad plan at the beginning of every quarter that shows our plan for them for the remaining of the year. To view an explanation of a grad plan, please click here. To view a sample full year grad plan please click here.
Students: Please remember to consistently view what "Outside Credit" you need to complete and then access the "Outside Credit" (Edgenuity) page to sign up for your Edgenuity classes.
Graduation Requirements at Victory.
- English - 40 credits
- Social Science - 35 credits
- Science (10 Life, 10 Physical) - 20 credits
- Algebra - 10 credits
- Math - 10 credits
- Physical Education (5 may be filled by community service.) - 20 credits
- VAPA - 10 credits
- Computer Literacy - 5 credits
- Health - 5 credits
- Grad Portfolio - 5 credits (see Graduation Portfolio page for further information)
- Electives - 40 credits
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